As 2020 steams ahead, the time for WP League to kick-off is drawing near. DBV Squash is currently preparing for entry into various leagues.
One of the leagues we will enter is the Masters Squash League. Masters League will commence 2 April 2020. Members who are 35 years of age at the time of commencement of the league are eligible to play. DBV Squash will enter teams for the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th league divisions. We would like to enter more teams if possible, but we require more members to commit.
In November 2019 we sent a Masters League interest questionnaire to all members at the time. Please see the list of names of members who had shown interest to play Masters League 2020 at that time:
If you would like to play masters squash 2020 and your name is not on the list above, please submit an entry on the form below. If your name is in the list above and you have changed your mind about playing or playing reserve, please submit a new response in the same form.
The cut off for new entries and changes to this form is Wednesday, 12 February 2020 as the club must finalise teams and entries for the WP Masters League by 24 February 2020. We will send further information to those who have confirmed interest to either play or be available as a reserve as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Louis du Toit / Nico Smit
Masters Club Captain