club history
Club History
- The Durbanville Squash Club was founded in 1972 by the Durbanville Round Table No 165, together with one hundred contributors, to be called Foundation Members. (Each member paid R150)
- The Municipality granted a piece of land between the rugby, soccer and cricket fields; together with a loan of R24 000 (which carried 4% interest) and with certain conditions.
- At the first official founders meeting a proper constitution was accepted and Peter Martin was elected as first chairman.
- It was furthermore resolved that the Foundation Members would have Life-long Membership, but may pass this on once to one child. Foundation Members would pay no annual subscriptions, but are liable for “lights fees”.
- The late Ivor Davies (Davies Construction) built the first 2 courts in Oct 1972 (now 4 and 5)
- As the club grew and membership increased a further two courts (now courts 2 and 3) were added during 1977 and the last court (now match court 1) was added during 1982.
- All loans, with interest, were paid back to the council.
- All further extensions, maintenance, water and electricity etc. came from the club’s own funds.
- Further extensions such as a proper under-cover entrance and walkway, indoor braai facilities and the first recreational area were all funded by the club.
- During 1985 the club obtained a full liquor license. (After the club was fined by R100 for “alleged shebeening”). The original small bar behind court 2 and the alterations as required at the time by the Liquor Board were completed.
- Due to the fact that the Durbanville Athletic Club (Durbac) lost their clubhouse during 1993, the squash club “granted restricted use of our facilities. This was not an amalgamation in any form, now or whenever in the future and this facility to Durbac can be suspended by a majority vote from the squash club at any time” – Extract from AGM 1993
A few noteworthy extracts from the constitution:
- The Management of the Club shall be in the hands of a committee of 10 members, to be elected or re-elected annually.
- No member shall be eligible to the Chair unless he/she served on the committee for at least two years.
- The AGM shall be held within 60 days of the close of the Financial Year (31 August). Notice of such a meeting shall be displayed on the club’s notice board for at least 21 days prior to the meeting. The same notice shall be posted/faxed/e-mailed to the members.
- Any member may attend the AGM but only fully paid-up members may vote.
- A member who has not paid his/her annual subscription fees on or before the 31 October shall automatically forfeit membership.
- Profits from the sale of liquor (Bar) shall not be used for the running of the club, but for maintenance or improving the club.
- No profits of the club shall accrue to any individual.
- The Committee shall hold regular meetings; six members shall be a quorum. Proper minutes shall be kept. Proper accounts of Finance shall be kept.
Previous Club Chairpersons
- Peter Martin (1972,73,74,79)
- Mike O’Brien (1975)
- Tinkie Heyns (1976,77,78,80,81)
- Ivor Davies (1982,91,92,93)
- Johan Bezuidenhout (1983,84,85)
- Ben Smith (1986,87,88)
- Terry Bramham (1989,90)
- Claude Smit (1994,95,96)
- John Goslin (1997,98,99)
- Allen Hardy (2000,01,02)
- Hawies de Villiers (2003,04,05)
- Trevor Davies (2006 – 2008)
- Gerdus Slabber (2009)
- Ben Smith (2010 – 2019)
- Louis du Toit (2019 – 2021)
- Charmaine van Niekerk (2021)
It is very interesting to note the major extensions over the years. This is over and above improvements and additions inside the building.
Join Durbanville Squash Club
Durbanville Squash Club offers world class squash facilities as well as access to competitive WP League teams and fun social squash activities